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User Interface Basics
User Interface Basics
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Written by ProBackup
Updated over 8 months ago

The user interface is consists of four main section sections:


Summary gives you a quick overview of all relevant information:

  • Data types show you the number of active records for all data types that are backed up. If you click on a tile, you are redirected to the Backups page.

  • Backup Status & Reports tells you when the next backup will take place and if there are any warnings for your account.

  • Data Usage shows how much data is currently being used for your data backups and how much data is still available within your price plan. The data backups are done incrementally which emans that each record is only counted once towards the data usage.

  • Backup scope (if applicable) shows you the list of workspaces or teams that are currently in scope of the backup app.

Note: For some apps such as HubSpot, we back up the entire account by default. For these apps the Backup scope widget is not shown.

  • Deleted items shows which items have recently been deleted from your accounts.


Backups allows you to access your data backups and to restore data back to your app.

On the left you see all data types that are included in the backup scope. Click on the data type you would like to see and the table will automatically fetch records. Above the table you can change the search parameters, which can be different depending on the data types.

Within the table you have the option to:

  • Select and restore records back to your app.

  • Download the results to an Excel file.

  • Open the Google Sheet (if the Google Drive sync is enabled).

  • Delete items permanently from your account.

If you click on a record, a pop-up will be shown with all related info of that record. You have the option to browse through the different versions of that record and to create a copy of the selected version.


Reports gives you more information about the backup & restore processes.

  • Backups gives you an overview of the current and past backup activities. If there are any errors or warnings related to your backup, you will see them here.

  • Restores summarises your restore requests and their statuses. If a restore request has failed, then you click on the report name to see the error log.

  • Virus scanner gives you a daily status update for each virus scan. If any suspicious files were found, then they will listed on this page.

  • Audit logs lists all activities that happened within your Pro Backup account.

  • Deleted items lists the items that were recently deleted from your account.


Settings allow you to change the settings related to the backed up app. Please note that these settings are scoped to the selected app.

  • Connections: On this page you can manage the users that are connected to Pro Backup. You can change which account of the app you are backing up or invite other users to your Pro Backup account. Each invite user needs to create a Pro Backup account and authorize Pro Backup. In the table you can choose to remove users, restrict their access and choose who receives a status email.

  • Backup Scope allows you to update the scope of your backups. This is usually managed on the top level of the app structure.

    • For some apps (such as HubSpot) this option is not available as we back up the whole account.

    • If you have removed any items from your backup (via the Backups page), then these will be listed here.

  • Google Drive: Here you can enable or disable the sync of your data backups and files to your Google Drive.

  • Data Retention: Here you can choose how long your data backups are kept (6 months, 1, 2 or 4 years).

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